
If you’re stuck, use the clues below to help you figure out the answer.

Just in case you need them, the answers to each puzzle are here too.

If you’re stuck, use the clues below to help you figure out the answer.

Just in case you need them, the answers to each puzzle are here too.

Puzzle 1

Solve the equation to reveal the answer
Add the coins together in each part of the equation.
Add up the value of the coins in each part of the equation, then solve the equation.
975 (550 – 125 + 550)

Puzzle 1

Solve the equation to reveal the answer
Add the coins together in each part of the equation.
Add up the value of the coins in each part of the equation, then solve the equation.
975 (550 – 125 + 550)

Puzzle 2

You’ll need to look closely at every sentence to get the answer
Look at the start of each sentence
Look at the first letter of each sentence. Put the letters together to give you your answer.

Puzzle 2

You’ll need to look closely at every sentence to get the answer
Look at the start of each sentence
Look at the first letter of each sentence. Put the letters together to give you your answer.

Puzzle 3

Shift the inner wheel a certain number of times to help you work out the cipher
There’s a clue to the number of shifts somewhere on the puzzle card.
Align the two wheels so that A is below A, B is below B, etc. Shift the inner wheel anti-clockwise 5 letters (so F on the inner wheel should be below A). You should now be able to work out the cipher by looking at letters on the outer wheel and seeing the corresponding letter on the inner wheel.

Puzzle 3

Shift the inner wheel a certain number of times to help you work out the cipher
There’s a clue to the number of shifts somewhere on the puzzle card.
Align the two wheels so that A is below A, B is below B, etc. Shift the inner wheel anti-clockwise 5 letters (so F on the inner wheel should be below A). You should now be able to work out the cipher by looking at letters on the outer wheel and seeing the corresponding letter on the inner wheel.

Puzzle 4

There’s a single digit number hidden on this picture somewhere…
It’s on the right hand side of the photo!
There’s a single digit number hidden on the photo, just to the right of the woman’s head.

Puzzle 4

There’s a single digit number hidden on this picture somewhere…
It’s on the right hand side of the photo!
There’s a single digit number hidden on the photo, just to the right of the woman’s head.

Puzzle 5

Each statement relates to the 3 digit number next to it
You should be left with a 3 digit number once you’ve worked through all the statements. Use statement 4 to eliminate three possible numbers straight away!
The statements written on the card will direct you on which digits are (and aren’t) part of the answer, and where they are placed. Once you’ve done the last statement, you will be left with a three digit number that doesn’t break any of the statements.

Puzzle 5

Each statement relates to the 3 digit number next to it
You should be left with a 3 digit number once you’ve worked through all the statements. Use statement 4 to eliminate three possible numbers straight away!
The statements written on the card will direct you on which digits are (and aren’t) part of the answer, and where they are placed. Once you’ve done the last statement, you will be left with a three digit number that doesn’t break any of the statements.

Puzzle 6

Pay close attention to the items on the ration card with a  /  next to them.
You’ll need to total up items on the ration card.
Total up the items on the ration card that have the / next to them

Puzzle 6

Pay close attention to the items on the ration card with a  /  next to them.
You’ll need to total up items on the ration card.
Total up the items on the ration card that have the / next to them

Puzzle 7

The shaded squares hold the key
Remember that this crossword was written in the 1940s!
Work out the answers to the crossword (and try not to use Google!). The letters in the shaded squares will reveal the answer.

Puzzle 7

The shaded squares hold the key
Remember that this crossword was written in the 1940s!
Work out the answers to the crossword (and try not to use Google!). The letters in the shaded squares will reveal the answer.

Puzzle 8

You’ll need to use the map to solve this one
Find the places George visited
Follow the route with a pencil and a number will take shape!

Puzzle 8

You’ll need to use the map to solve this one
Find the places George visited
Follow the route with a pencil and a number will take shape!

Puzzle 9

A tricky one, huh… To start you off, George and John cross the bridge together first.
Next, John takes the torch back to Patrick and Charles, adding another 2 minutes to the total. The current total is 4 minutes – see if you can work the rest out from here! It might help to visualise it by drawing them crossing the bridge on a piece of paper.
17 (minutes) George and John cross together (2 minutes) John goes back with the torch (2 minutes) Patrick and Charles cross together (10 minutes) George goes back with the torch (1 minute) George and John cross together (2 minutes)

Puzzle 9

A tricky one, huh… To start you off, George and John cross the bridge together first.
Next, John takes the torch back to Patrick and Charles, adding another 2 minutes to the total. The current total is 4 minutes – see if you can work the rest out from here! It might help to visualise it by drawing them crossing the bridge on a piece of paper.
17 (minutes) George and John cross together (2 minutes) John goes back with the torch (2 minutes) Patrick and Charles cross together (10 minutes) George goes back with the torch (1 minute) George and John cross together (2 minutes)

Puzzle 10

You need more than just the numbers in bold to solve this one
George had a funny nickname didn’t he…
George’s nickname is ‘Squared’, so take the bold 12 in the ID number and square it!

Puzzle 10

You need more than just the numbers in bold to solve this one
George had a funny nickname didn’t he…
George’s nickname is ‘Squared’, so take the bold 12 in the ID number and square it!
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