
If you’re stuck, use the clues below to help you figure out the answer.

Just in case you need them, the answers to each puzzle are here too.

If you’re stuck, use the clues below to help you figure out the answer.

Just in case you need them, the answers to each puzzle are here too.

Puzzle 1

Have you put together the pieces of the picture yet?

Is there one piece that you don’t need?

Put together the picture.

There should be one piece left over that you don’t need. 

This will have the number on it that you need.


Puzzle 1

Have you put together the pieces of the picture yet?

Is there one piece that you don’t need?

Put together the picture.

There should be one piece left over that you don’t need. 

This will have the number on it that you need.


Puzzle 2

Take a good hard look at the image…

There might be something you need on one of the locks.

There is a number written on one of the locks on the bridge.

Find it to get the number you need.

50 (found on a gold lock near the bottom right corner of the image)

Puzzle 2

Take a good hard look at the image…

There might be something you need on one of the locks.

There is a number written on one of the locks on the bridge.

Find it to get the number you need.

50 (found on a gold lock near the bottom right corner of the image)

Puzzle 3

There’s something that you need to do on the flyer before you get to the actual puzzle!

Which of the available men does Lou have the most in common with?

Firstly, scan the QR code on the flyer.

Once you’re on the webpage, you need to look at the number out of 10 given to Lou for each area. 

Find the man who’s numbers most match up with Lou’s.

6 (Alex is the best match, having the same rating as Lou in three of the five categories).

Puzzle 3

There’s something that you need to do on the flyer before you get to the actual puzzle!

Which of the available men does Lou have the most in common with?

Firstly, scan the QR code on the flyer.

Once you’re on the webpage, you need to look at the number out of 10 given to Lou for each area.

Find the man who’s numbers most match up with Lou’s.

6 (Alex is the best match, having the same rating as Lou in three of the five categories).

Puzzle 4

Have you solved all of the dingbats yet?

Just say what you see!

Once you’ve answered all of the dingbats, is there anything you notice about all of the answers?

Maybe try writing the answers out underneath each other…

Firstly solve all of the dingbats. 

You’ll then need to take the first letter from each dingbat answer to give you the number you need.


Puzzle 4

Have you solved all of the dingbats yet?

Just say what you see!

Once you’ve answered all of the dingbats, is there anything you notice about all of the answers?

Maybe try writing the answers out underneath each other…

Firstly solve all of the dingbats. 

You’ll then need to take the first letter from each dingbat answer to give you the number you need.


Puzzle 5

Use the message on the card to get your answer.

Find the numbers related to the message on the card, then multiply them.

16 (8 planets x 2 moons around Mars)

Puzzle 5

Use the message on the card to get your answer.

Find the numbers related to the message on the card, then multiply them.

16 (8 planets x 2 moons around Mars)

Puzzle 6

You might need Google to help you correctly answer some of these questions!

Work out the answers to all of the questions, then do the maths (in the order shown on the puzzle card) to reach your final answer.


Puzzle 6

You might need Google to help you correctly answer some of these questions!

Work out the answers to all of the questions, then do the maths (in the order shown on the puzzle card) to reach your final answer.


Puzzle 7

Using the red paper and get creative!

To get the answer, you’ll need to use the statement on the instructions and the heart that you’ve created. 

Firstly create the origami love heart. Once complete, count the number of sides on the heart to give you your answer.


Puzzle 7

Using the red paper and get creative!

To get the answer, you’ll need to use the statement on the instructions and the heart that you’ve created. 

Firstly create the origami love heart. Once complete, count the number of sides on the heart to give you your answer.


Puzzle 8

Work your way through the maze to come out at the correct number.


Puzzle 8

Work your way through the maze to come out at the correct number.


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